# locale.properties by Neil Hodgson neilh@scintilla.org # Placed in the public domain 2001 # locale.properties defines the localised text for the user interface # Some definitions are commented out because they duplicate another string # The format of each line is original=localised, such as File=&Fichier # Even though the original text may have ellipses "..." and access key # indicators "&" in the user interface, these do not appear in this file # for the original texts. Translated texts should have an access key indicator # if needed as the translated text may not include the original access key. # Ellipses are automatically added when needed. # The "/" character should not be used in menu entries as on GTK+ the "/" is # used to specifiy the menu hierarchy and so will produce extra menu items. # Each original text may have only one translation, even if it appears in # different parts of the user interface. # Please state any further license conditions and copyright notices you desire. # If there are no further notices then contributed translations will be assumed # to be made freely available under the same conditions as SciTE. # Define the encoding of this file so that on GTK+ 2, the file can be # reencoded as UTF-8 as that is the GTK+ 2 user interface encoding. # A common choice for European users is LATIN1. For other locales look at # the set of encodings supported by iconv. translation.encoding= # Menus # File menu File=Datoteka New=Nova Open=Odpri Open Selected Filename=Odpri izbrano datoteko Revert=Povrni Close=Zapri Save=Shrani Save As=Shrani kot Export=Izvozi As HTML=Kot HTML As RTF=Kot RTF Page Setup=Nastavitve strani Print=Natisni Load Session=Naloži sejo Save Session=Shrani sejo Exit=Končaj # Edit menu Edit=Uredi Undo=Prekliči Redo=Prekliči preklic Cut=Izreži Copy=Kopiraj Paste=Prilepi Delete=Briši Select All=Izberi vse Copy as RTF=Kopiraj kot RTF Match Brace=Primerjaj oklepaje Select to Brace=Izberi besedilo med oklepaji Show Calltip=Prikaži namig Complete Symbol=Dopolni simbol Complete Word=Dopolni besedo Expand Abbreviation=Razširi okrajšavo Block Comment or Uncomment=Zakomentiraj ali odkomentiraj blok Box Comment=Uokviri komentar Stream Comment=Začetek komentarja Make Selection Uppercase=Izbrano v velike črke Make Selection Lowercase=Izbrano v majhne črke # Search menu Search=Išči Find=Najdi Find Next=Najdi naslednje Find Previous=Najdi prejšnje Find in Files=Najdi v datotekah Replace=Nadomesti Go to=Pojdi na Next Bookmark=Naslednji zaznamek Previous Bookmark=Prejšnji zaznamek Toggle Bookmark=Postavi zaznamek Clear All Bookmarks=Počisti vse zaznamke # View menu View=Izgled Toggle current fold=Označi trenutni zavihek Toggle all folds=Označi vse zavihke Full Screen=Cel zaslon Tool Bar=Paleta z orodji Tab Bar=Paleta s tabulatorji Status Bar=Statusna vrstica Whitespace=Presledek End of Line=Konec vrstice Indentation Guides=Navodila zamika Line Numbers=Oštevilčene vrstice Margin=Rob Fold Margin=Rob zavihka Output=Izložek Parameters=Parametri # Tools menu Tools=Orodja Compile=Prevedi (Compile) Build=Napravi (Build) Go=Poženi Stop Executing=Ustavi izvršitev Next Message=Naslednje sporočilo Previous Message=Prejšnje sporočilo Clear Output=Počisti izhodne podatke Switch Pane=Zamenjaj panel # Options menu Options=Nastavitve Always On Top=Vedno na vrhu Vertical Split=Razdeli navpično Line End Characters=Znak za konec vrstice CR + LF= CR= LF= Convert Line End Characters=Pretvori znak za konec vrstice Change Indentation Settings=Spremeni nastavitve zamika Use Monospaced Font=Uporabi font z enako širino znakov (monospace) Open Local Options File=Odpri datoteko lokalnih nastavitev Open User Options File=Odpri datoteko uporabniških nastavitev Open Global Options File=Odpri datoteko globalnih nastavitev Open Abbreviations File=Odpri datoteko z okrajšavami # Language menu Language=Jezik # Buffers menu Buffers=Buferji Previous=Prejšnji Next=Naslednji Close All=Zapri vse # Help menu Help=Pomoč About Sc1=O Sc1 About SciTE=O SciTE # Dialogs # Generic dialog OK=Potrdi Cancel=Prekliči Yes=Da No=Ne # About dialog #About SciTE= # This is to add something like: Swahili translation 1.41.1 by Neil Hodgson TranslationCredit=Slovenski prevod 0.1, 25.marec.2004 by Anton Šmid Contributors:=Sodelavci: popravki in dopolnitve, 19.12.2004 by Mojca Miklavec # Open, Save dialogs Open File=Odpri datoteko Save File=Shrani datoteko Save File As=Shrani datoteko kot Export File As HTML=Izvozi datoteko kot HTML Export File As RTF=Izvozi datoteko kot RTF Save Current Session=Shrani trenutno sejo Custom Filter=Nastavljeni filter # Find in Files dialog #Find in Files= Find what:=Najdi: Files:=Datoteke: #Find= # Go To dialog Go To=Pojdi na Destination Line Number:=Številka ciljne vrstice Current line:=Trenutna vrstica Last line:=Zadnja vrstica # Indentation Settings dialog Indentation Settings=Nastavitve zamikov Tab Size:=Velikost tabulatorja Indent Size:=Velikost zamika Use tabs:=Uporabljaj tabulatorje # Replace and Find dialogs #Replace= #Find= #Find what:= Replace with:=Nadomesti z: Match whole word only=Primerjaj le celotne besede Match case=Upoštevaj velike/male črke Regular expression=Regularni izraz Wrap around=Omotavanje Transform backslash expressions=Pretvori backslash izraze #Find Next= Replace All=Zamenjaj vse Replace in Selection=Zamenjaj v izboru #Close= Direction=Smer Reverse direction=Obrni smer Up=Gor Down=Dol # Parameters dialog Execute=Izvrši Set=Nastavi # Other UI strings Untitled=Neimenovano # Properties used in global options Text=Besedilo All Source=Vsa izvorna koda All Files (*.*)=Vse datoteke (*.*) # Messages # Messages may contain variables such as file names or search strings indicated # by ^0 which are replaced by values before display. ^1, ^2, ... may be used in the future. Can not find the string '^0'.=Ne najdem niza '^0'. Find string must not be empty for 'Replace All' command.=Pri ukazu 'Zamenjaj vse' iskani niz ne sme biti prazen. Selection must not be empty for 'Replace in Selection' command.=Pri ukazu 'Zamenjaj izbrano' izbor ne sme biti prazen. No replacements because string '^0' was not present.=Nobene zamenjeve: niza '^0' ni bilo mogoče najti! Could not open file '^0'.=Ne morem odpreti datoteke '^0'. Could not save file '^0'.=Ne morem shraniti datoteke '^0'. Save changes to '^0'?=Shrani spremembe v '^0'? Save changes to (Untitled)?=Shrani spremembe v (Neimenovano)? The file '^0' has been modified. Should it be reloaded?=Datoteka '^0' je bila spremenjena. Naj jo ponovno naložim? Bad file.=Pokvarjena datoteka. Failed to create dialog box: ^0.=Nisem uspel ustvarit pogovornega okna: ^0. Can not start printer document.=Ne morem začeti s tiskanjem dokumenta. URI '^0' not understood.=URI '^0' ni razumljiv. Invalid directory '^0'.=Neveljavna mapa '^0'. # 1.42 Directory:=Mapa Wrap=Prelom vrstice Hide=Skrij Check if already open=Preveri, če je že odprto # 1.43 Find string must not be empty for 'Replace in Selection' command.=Pri ukazu 'Zamenjaj v izboru' iskani niz ne sme biti prazen. List Macros=Izpiši makro-ukaze Run Current Macro=Poženi trenutni makro-ukaz Record Macro=Posnami makro-ukaz Stop Recording Macro=Zaustavi snemanje makro-ukaza SciTE Help=SciTE Pomoč Sc1 Help=Sc1 Pomoč Edit Properties=Uredi lastnosti Wrap Output=Prelom izhoda # 1.44 Read-Only=Samo za branje READ=BERI # 1.46 As TeX=Kot TeX Export File As TeX=Izvozi kot TeX datoteko Save a Copy=Shrani kopijo # 1.47 As LaTeX=Kot LaTeX Export File As LaTeX=Izvozi kot LaTeX datoteko Encoding=Kodni nabor 8 Bit=8-bitni UCS-2 Big Endian= UCS-2 Little Endian= UTF-8= # 1.49 Save All=Shrani vse Browse=Brskaj Select a folder to search from=Izberi mapo za začetek iskanja UTF-8 Cookie=UTF-8 Piškotek # 1.50 Insert Abbreviation=Vstavi okrajšavo Abbreviation:=Okrajšava Insert=Vstavi Mark All=Označi vse # 1.51 In Selection=V izboru Paragraph=Odstavek Join=Združi Split=Razcepi # 1.52 Block comment variable '^0' is not defined in SciTE *.properties!=Vrstični komentarji z začetkom pri '^0' (comment.block) v SciTe *.properties niso definirani. Box comment variables '^0', '^1' and '^2' are not defined in SciTE *.properties!=Komentarji, ki se začnejo z '^0', končajo z '^2' in obsegajo vrstice z '^1', (comment.box) v SciTe *.properties niso definirani. Stream comment variables '^0' and '^1' are not defined in SciTE *.properties!=Komentarji, ki se začnejo z '^0' in končajo z '^1', (comment.stream) v SciTe *.properties niso definirani. The file '^0' has been modified outside SciTE. Should it be reloaded?=Datoteka '^0' je bila spremenjena zunaj SciTE-a. Naj jo ponovno naložim? As PDF=Kot PDF Export File As PDF=Izvoz datoteke v PDF # 1.53 Version=Verzija by= #1.54 Incremental Search=Iskanje znaka za znakom Search for:=Išči: #1.55 Could not save file '^0'. Save under a different name?=Ni bilo mogoče shraniti datoteke '^0'. Naj jo shranim pod drugim imenom? #1.56 As XML=Kot XML Export File As XML=Izvozi datoteko kot XML #1.57 Destination Line:=Ciljna vrstica Column:=Stolpec #1.58 Replacements:=Nadomestki Open Files Here=Tukaj odpri datoteko #1.59 #1.60 #1.61 File '^0' is ^1 bytes long,\nlarger than the ^2 bytes limit set in the properties.\nDo you still want to open it?=Dolžina datoteke '^0' je ^1 bajtov,\nkar je več od nastavljenega limita ^2 bajtov.\nNaj jo vseeno odprem? Open Lua Startup Script=Odpri Lua zagonsko skripto All Files (*)=Vse datoteke (.*) Hidden Files (.*)=Skrite datoteke(.*) #1.62 Show hidden files=Pokaži skrite datoteke