/* A small utility to remove those nasty "__P(" macros and comments from the std libc func prototypes in the api files used by SciTE for calltips and autocompletion... --Modified on 29/04/2000 to remove #if macros from inside Xlib.h's --function prototypes #include "I do not accept responsibility for any effects, adverse or otherwise, that this code may have on you, your computer, your sanity, your dog, and anything else that you can think of. Use it at your own risk." Usage: cleanapi [OPTIONS] Options: -c -> Remove Comments -v -> Be (frustratingly :) verbose.. By Deepak S. deepaks@operamail.com */ #include #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ifstream inapi; ofstream outapi; bool verbose=false, comments=false, comrem=false; char aline[512]="", modline[512]=""; char *pptr, *cptr, *wdptr; int modnum, i, parcnt=0; if(argc<3) { cout<<"Usage: cleanapi "<3) { for(i=3; i